Clinic-Based Services
At our East Sacramento clinic, we offer speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy and group sessions. Explore our clinic-based services below.
Occupational Therapy helps children overcome challenges in movement and coordination, play and social skills, learning and behavior. Our therapists are skilled in a wide variety of current, evidenced-based approaches to treatment.
Speech & language therapy helps children develop and improve effective communication skills, including language, speech, and social communication. Our therapists provide individual and group sessions for children with a wide range of speech and language delays and disorders.
Feeding therapy addresses problematic feeding behaviors in children. We use the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) approach which is designed to help children develop healthy eating habits and improve their sensory processing related to food and eating.
We offer ongoing small group sessions for skill-building alongside peers in a dynamic and fun environment. Our groups allow for children with common goals to learn and grow together. Groups address social skills, motor skills, feeding and more…