Pencil Grasps
Pencil grasp is directly related to handwriting speed and legibility. A mature grasp is more efficient and less fatiguing. It involves good distal hold and control on the pen or pencil, which requires the development of adequate intrinsic strength and in-hand manipulation skills.
Approximate Age Expectations
Immature Grasp Pattern
Palmar Supinate grasp
1-2 years
Functional Grasp
Lateral Tripod or Thumb Wrap
5-6 years
Thumb Tuck
Immature Grasp Pattern
Digital Pronate grasp
2-3.5 years
Functional Grasp
Lateral Quadrupod or Thumb Wrap
5-6 years
Distal 5-finger or Gamer or Fluted or Index Grip
Functional Grasp
Static Tripod grasp
3.5-4.5 years
Functional Grasp
Ergonomic or Adapted Tripod
5-6 years
Interdigital Grasp
Functional Grasp
Static Quadrupod grasp
3.5-4.5 years
Functional Grasp
Hyperextended Index grasp
5-6 years
Nonfunctional Grasps
Pinch Grasp
If Difficulty With Pencil Grasp Seems To Be Due To...
Core Postural Strength and Stability:
One-legged balances
Lying on stomach, resting on elbows
“Wobbly” stepping stone games (e.g. cushions, air discs)
Wrist Stability:
Use of vertical surface (mirror, wall, window, etc.)
Sloped surfaces (slanted desks)
Hand Strengthening:
Clothes pin activities
Squeeze/stress balls
Palmar Arches:
Pull theraputty apart with finger tips
Place pegs, coins, etc. into playdough/putty
Use “Mr. Mouth” and manipulatives
Separation Of Two Sides Of Hand:
Finger puppets
Spray bottles
Spinning tops
Shoulder and Upper Arm Stability:
Animal walks
Working on vertical surface
Thumb Opposition:
Use tweezers to pick up small items
Flick games → pom poms, cotton balls, scrunched up paper, etc.
Threading small beads
Helpful Links
Pencil Grasp Activities with Fine Motor Play
Helping kids with pencil grasp can be a complicated matter. Kids can hold the pencil too tightly or with an immature grasp no matter how many pencil grips you try. But, there is hope. These pencil grasp activities are fun ways to improve pencil grasp with fine motor play. By using play activities to help kids build a better pencil grasp, kids develop a grasp that is strong and dexterous in ways that carryover to holding a pencil. Try these tripod grasp activities to help kids with pencil grasp development.
Improving Your Child’s Pencil Grip
As occupational therapists, teachers and parents often approach us about their children’s awkward pencil grasp. Left unaddressed, pencil grip problems can end up affecting a child’s academic performance at school. And when children can see they’re not keeping up, it can lead to anxiety, frustration and low self-esteem, which can see them fall further behind.
If your child isn’t using one of these pencil grips yet, fine motor activities can help them develop the skills they need to hold their pencil functionally, and write more easily.
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(916) 346-9352
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