Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy enables people of all ages to participate in daily living. The Occupational Therapists (OT’s) of Capital Kids focus on the things your child and family wants and needs to do in their daily life. Our therapists use play-based activities to assess and promote your child’s ability to participate in developmentally appropriate and expected roles, responsibilities, and activities at home and in the community.
OT helps children to develop their abilities in:
Table top skills: pre-writing, coloring, drawing, handwriting, scissor skills, manipulatives, and crafts.
Whole body skills: running, jumping, hopping, skipping and sitting posture.
Sensory processing: producing appropriate responses to sensations (to support behavior, attention, self-regulation, learning and general well-being).
Self management: dressing, toileting, eating, sleeping, organization and planning.
We work with children who need support with:
Sensory Processing
Fine Motor, Gross Motor and Visual Motor Development
Self-Regulation and Social Skills
Sensory-Based Feeding Challenges and Food Sensitivities
Learning Differences
Challenges Related to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Differences, ADHD, Childhood Coordination Disorder, Sensory-Based Differences, and more.
Capital KIDS offers occupational therapy to children all of all ages and abilities.
We offer individual services, group services, telehealth and family consultation. Our therapists use evidence-based approaches to help children with a wide array of diagnoses and challenges.
Individual Treatment
Capital KIDS utilizes a Sensory Integration frame of reference to treat children with conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, developmental coordination disorder and sensory-based differences. Through our structured approach, we help children engage more effectively with their surroundings.
Ultimately, the goal of OT is to support the child’s development, promote functional independence, and enhance their quality of life. Individual sessions are planned specifically for each child, keeping in mind their strengths, preferences and goals. Sessions are designed to be engaging yet challenging to help your child grow.
Evaluation Services
When a child is referred to OT, whether by their doctor or self-referred by a caregiver, we begin the process with an evaluation. Our evaluations include an initial intake and caregiver interview followed by observation and testing. Typically, once background information is gathered, the evaluation itself takes place in a sensory gym or small motor room where the child is engaged in fun and challenging gross and fine-motor tasks.
Through the use of careful observation, parent input, questionnaires and skills assessments, we work to identify areas of strengths and challenges. Our therapists use this information to build an occupational profile of your child and make recommendations for therapy. If therapy is recommended, therapists work together with the caregivers to develop goals and a plan of care.
Collaboration and Consultation
Once a child has been evaluated and has begun OT services, our therapists can provide collaboration services with your child’s care team and consultation services for the family and school. We also provide co-treatment sessions with our speech therapists to address multiple areas of development simultaneously and to provide a more integrated and holistic approach.